Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Once you blog you can't... unblog (what rhymes with 'blog' anyway?)


It means 'rambling' in Indonesian. If you're one of the cool people (wink) who had ever visited No Fairy Tale in one of its previous incarnations, then this post is to tell you that I'm back! And the blog's name is changed because:
  1. nofairytale.blogspot.com is unavailable--either trapped in my old account whose password I forgot, or some internet squatter had took it.
  2. Reading Fables remind me that fairytales are more than just Disney's sugarcoated fairytales; in fact, a beautifully-illustrated book I owned when I was a child is a more accurate presentation of old fairytales and it has a lot of gritty, haunting, bittersweet stories that made me wince.
  3. I wanted to use an Indonesian word that's not too hard to pronounce by English-speaking folks.
  4. It kinda sound like something out of Tolkienverse, doesn't it? Doesn't it?
If you're not that cool but obviously quite exquisite in your own right since you're reading this (wink again), then welcome! And I think by now you've already understood that I have a habit of discursive speech, or in less verbose term: rambling*. Starting a post just explaining what this new URL means and you end up with knowledge on a comics series, a micro book-review, (probably) new vocabulary and an insight of what I read.

So. Anyway.

I'm back blogging. Was wavering on whether to blog in primarily English, as I used to, or switch to Indonesian, because the Indonesian blogging scene now is lots bigger than in 2002 when I first blogged and my audience is mostly my Indonesian-speaking friends anyway, but in the end, I choose to remain English. The reason is tied with the reason I started blogging at all, but maybe that's material for a whole new post. Or a blogger profile.

It's good to be back.

*The link even got how to say 'rambling' in 30 languages. I'm impressed. The Arabic version is friggin' long.